Wednesday, November 25, 2009

CA2020, SCAM OR NOT A SCAM? That is the Question

Have you been invited or are you being invited by any member of a so-called community named "Create Abundance 2020" or "CA2020" for short? They say that they would like to make the Philippines a "First World Country" by making Filipino "multimillionaires"

If  you are not aware, here is a brief introduction to this community.

CA2020 Free Wealth Courses
They have 3 "free" wealth courses in which you have to finish a task to be able to attend the next module.
Their first module "Awareness". They make you aware of what the future holds for you with your current situation. But for this module I think the concept of "Money Jar" stand out. It did help me manage my money more efficiently.

Money Jar as Money Management
Necessity - 50%
FFA (for Investment) - 20%
LTS (Lifetime Savings) - 10%
Education - 10%
Play - 5%
Give - 5%

To be able for Mr. Wings to attend the second module "Unlearning", he have to invite 2 people to attend Module 1 and 101 ways on how he can be get Php1,000,000.00 in a week. This can include logica/illogical or legal or illegal ways. If he is having second thoughts, he will still be follow-up by this community.  Even if you say "NO", they will still ask you few more times. Now, let us say that Mr. Wings attended this module, he is able to invite 2 of his friends. This lecture is about what is your way of thinking about rich people. How you're thinking is influence by your parents and their previous experiences, media and your surroundings. They will ask you to keep an open-mind during the discussions and to be as honest as possible. The moderator for this lecture was good and got me more interested and intrigue.

Module 3 "Relearning", to be able to attend this module, Mr. Wings have to invite 2 people more to attend module 1 and write 101 reasons why he want to be rich. The reason that he will he be stating will be based on his dreams, ambition and goals. Still, CA2020 will do continuous follow-up on him to finish his 101 reason. Again, the discussion was good and believable. This is the part that he is asked if he will continue or stop. He can say "YES" or "NO".

Wealth Courses are held in the following:

Monday/Tuesday - 3:00~5:00 and 6:00~9:00
Before: Starbucks, Pearl Drive Ortigas Complex, Pasig City
Now: Shangrila, Near the Cinema

Wednesday/Thursday - 3:00~5:00 and 6:00~9:00
Paseo de Roxas Bldg. Makati

Most of what they teach are from Robert Kiyosaki and T. Harv Eker Books. They also quote some entry in the books and tell it to the attendees of the modules.

CA2020 Cash Flow 101 and Cash Flow 202
I was also able to attend the cash flow game of R. Kiyosaki organized by this group. They asked for Php400.00/player or 200/player of group of 3 which is used for the players lunch and rent for the place . I only played once but I have to admit the game was fun and educational. It is something new for me. It was done every Saturday and  Sunday or special events. They usually hold it in "Spicy Fingers" and "Makati Stock Exchange". By the way, Cash Flow 101 Board game made by R. Kiyosaki costs approx. Php15K and we only found 1 in Toy 'r Us at Robinson Galleria.

Start of the Dilemma
Again, let us assume that Mr. Wings said "YES" after module 3, to be able to attend the Module 4,  He have to state 101 reason why he want to be a member of the"Core Team". Also, he have to read "Why We Want You to be Rich" or what they call "3WYTBR" by R. Kiyosaki, CA2020 Power Investing Plan, Do you have what it takes to be rich and Top 10 to do before joining the CA2020 Core Team. Of course, he finished them all, so he was able to attend the next module. Now, during Module 4 another coach gave some questions during the discussion which  the goal is to get his "deeper why". He wrote down on the paper Php1,000~Php50000 denominations and asked mr. Wings to write names of friends that he think will lend  him the money that will have a total of Php100K.  Yes, I repeat Php100K. Then, he was asked to send text messages to this people and see if how many will lend him the money.  This is what they call "NT" or "Network Test".

What is the money for?
This is the fun part, most of the people who attended the wealth courses were fueled by their curiosity. Why? because if you talked to a coach and he said that "I did not experience employment, after graduation I found this community and joined. Now, I am earning passive income.". Who would not want that kind of life, or who would not want to earn passive income? So you start to ask how can they do that, what are their businesses? They will say that if you are not a member of the core team, it is a secret. They will tell you that "if   this secret/system  is broadcast to the public then many would like to join, anyone can join. Here are some more lines that you might hear:

1. Have we sold anything to you?
2. Big Business owner do leverage on "Other peoples time (OPT), "Other people money(OPM)", "Other people resources(OPR)", "Other Peoples skill(OPT)", etc.
3. Imagine through if there is 150 members in the community and each member net worth is 1,000,000, you have 150,000,000 total net worth.
4. Answers will be given one step at a time

Now, I think it is time to answer the question what is the 100K for?

Mr. Wings was able to gather 100K, he have to bring the money and attend the Pre-Panel. What is Pre-panel? Mr. Wings will be given a "application form" (but they call it a contract) of NU Skin Enterprises (NSE).  NSE is a legal and good company (you can check their site if you like). Yes, it as you think, the 100K that you leverage with other people will be used to buy NSE starter kits. Normal process, to be a distributor you can spend 12,600 or 21K++ and they are point basis, CA2020 is no exception.

How to return your 100K?
Mr. Wings is not familiar with this company, that it is a kind of network marketing. He gave the 100K and buy the kits. To return his 100K, he is shown the "compensation plan", but to make it short you have to, as to what their term is "invite" 4 people who will join the core team and spend 100K. This is what CA2020 call "Innovative Franchising". It is their "First step" to earn passive income. To increase Mr. Wings passive income through network marketing he and his other invites must invite more people who are willing (sort of).

They say, they have other source of income, that NSE is only 5% of the whole picture. They will say "We are looking for leaders", or in network marketing term "downline". They will also differentiate "downline" from "leaders",  they say leaders because they train you how to talk and express your self, "to prepare you to be an entrepreneur". Well, they do provide leadership trainings which include their free wealth course. Furthermore, they say to a new core team member, "all you have to do is invite, we will do the rest". "The rest" means the community will "convert" your invites so they might join the community.

For my points of view, 

a. Nothing should be kept especially if it involves that amount of money.
b. It is like that the dreams, goals or ambition of the person attending the wealth course is being used
    as ammunition for hypnotizing these person.
c. Since the person joining the core team is entrusting their dreams to the community, everything 
    should be open or cleared.
d. Do not call people "LOSERS" just because they quit. It is said that personal growth is developed in 
    this community but this behavior does not show it.
e. If you are not prepared to do their system, STOP now, cause it will be a lot harder getting out
   and it is hard to return the 100K.

I wrote this blog so that people who are searching about CA2020 will be able to see what they are getting in to especially if details are being kept from them. I am not saying that they are a scam or not a scam. The judgement to this will still be from the person who is going to enter this community. For those who will be or planning to join, please do proceed with caution, Do not let your curiosity get the best of you. Remember that "curiosity kills the cat".


  1. Thank you for this post. A lot of people will benefit from this information...

  2. it seems that your core values are disturbed, thats why you want others to "justify" your blog to gather more evidence for you to think you are right. guys, kindly visit and see for yourself.

  3. I agree to Cecille that the core values of the author of this blog is somewhat disturbed. The author didn't understand the mission of CA2020 of educating people on how to take control of their finances. He acknowledge the benefit of what we do but blinded of his justification.

    Joining the Core Team is optional, we are not forcing anybody to be part of us, they must prove that they have the qualities of a leader that we are looking for. The module 1 to 3 are for the benefit of the public and those who want to be part of the core team can take module 4. We are looking for those who are committed to be a Core Team and not those who are interested to be a Core Team.

    In your part, you are interested to be part of the Core Team, that's why we called you loser, you wasted our time and effort just because of your curiosity. We are not playing around here. We are serious of our mission of spreading financial literacy to all Filipinos and in our vision to create a First World Philippines.

    Who are you to obliged us to discuss the details of our investment. Are you our business partner?

    We are not like those networking groups who recruit people without sifting. We build Big Businesses with those who has the qualities of a great leader.

    Do you know what T. Harv Eker said to those people who are losers, they:
    1. Justify
    2. Blame others
    3. Complain

    and based on your blog, you are one of them.

    Losers attracts losers based on the Law of Attraction.

    Before you read and believe this blog, please consider what people said about CA2020 on this link:

  4. Mr. Wings, I was browsing your blog and it seems that most of your blogs, if not all, contains a lot of complains like your salary, your employer, etc. What you focus on expands. If you focus on negativities, you'll attract more negativities. Perhaps that's what happend to you when you were undergoing your core team membership process. You are blinded with your justifications. You are actually one of the reasons why CA2020 exists. We are here to eliminate the crab mentality or people's scarcity way of thinking. We promote abundance mentality. First World Philippines starts to each and everyone of us. People like you is really a challenge to our mission. 200+ people joined the core team. You can check it out by visiting What these core team members have to say when they joined the core team? Check

    We don't see the world as it is. We see the world as we are. You already read "Why We Want You To Be Rich" by Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki, right? Get the context why they recommended Network Marketing and don't be blinded with your justifications. "Rich people look for and build networks, everyone else looks for work." - Robert Kiyosaki.

    For those readers, be careful to whom you are listening to. You'd rather listen to successful people like Donald Trump & Robert Kiyosaki than someone who only got "opinions." Only listen to those with results. And oh, you'd rather deal with REAL people and not those who use code names.

    For Mr. Wings, it's never too late to change. You can always choose what you think. Choose empowering thoughts and not disempowering thoughts. Our thoughts create our results. If you don't like your results right now, better change the way you think.

  5. Just a tip from me.. =)

    The problem is cannot be solved by the mindset that created it.

    What you are right now are just the result of your decisions years ago but what you are in the future is just the result of your decision today.

    You can have all the beliefs and knowledge in the world but if you don't take action, nothing will happen. God bless. =) I believe if you are credible enough, there's no point of hiding yourself in a codename.

  6. My own view of the future is that money has become obsolete, what i must be concerned about is how a bridge can be created between today and that elusive future. After all, what is money for when what we need isn't money but goods and services to keep us alive and to make us far more humane. Money is simply an instrument, what we need is the direct service we provide to people and the ecology. the real power of money is the corruption of human soul. Money is a creation of our society in order that an individual can acquire ownership and control in order to acuire more. The point is we are merely stewards of the planet,and owning any part of it is just an illusion. The prevailing world view then is simply illusory.

  7. Thanks for posting! I say it's not a scam.

    Scam defined by
    A confidence game or other fraudelulent scheme, esp. for making a quick profit; swindle.

    No one got faked. And like you said, making a profit is not quick. In fact, it's a win win situation for everyone. Thanks again for added publicity!

  8. e. If you are not prepared to do their system, STOP now, cause it will be a lot harder getting out
    and it is hard to return the 100K.

    Yes! You are right because our system is for winners. And yes, it is true it is hard to return 100k using your industrial old mindset. Especially if you want to return it using employment.

  9. Fear.

    It's what holds a lot of people back.
    It's why a lot of people hold on to a regular paycheck.
    It's why some people don't walk their talk.
    It's why some people rationalize their inactions.

    Will you let an emotion stop you from attaining your dreams?

    A person can reach their dreams if they become the right person.
    If it's a rockstar dream then become a great musician and artist.
    If it's a business and money dream, become a great businessperson.

    How will they become the right person?


    It happens through challenges and difficulty.
    It let's you reach farther and higher.

    If you let a minor difficulty stop you then how will you reach your success? How will you grow?

    We are not here to hand you money and your dreams.
    We are here to make you grow enough so you can claim that dream for yourself.

    If you think that P100k is big, then how will you close that million dollar deal in your business in the future?

  10. Those people who choose to take it and will act upon it are those who choose to create a "difference" in their life.

    Success and failure depends on YOU.
    Whether it's EASY or HARD still depends on YOU.

    THE CHOICE is always YOURS.

    "choosing not to choose is still a choice and deciding not to decide is still a decision."

  11. Thank You for the post.

    I say this, CA2020 is NOT a SCAM.

    I think it would be more professional if you will include your real name and not hiding in a codename.

    LOSERS are the one who complain, blame and justify. - SOMM T.Harv Eker

  12. Thank you for the publicity Mr. Wings.

    It seems like 100k was a big deal for you. Isn't it? You didn't see the totality of CA2020, in its MISSION & VISION of creating a world that works for all. In CA we believe in the Law of Purpose in life.

    You don't see the world as it is. You see the world as you are.

    We don't force anyone to be part of us. We are seeking people who are success driven, unstoppable & unreasonable like us. And also has an E for "EFFORT".

    Change your old stories into new empowering one. To know more about us kindly check this site and see for yourself. STOP HIDING!

    "Losers live in the past. Winners learn from the past and enjoy working in the present toward the future". DENISE WAITLEY

  13. Bravo, wings for revealing ca2020 for what it is! It is nothing more than a means of recruiting for mlm!

    It's so sad that they have to resort to such ploys to slowly brainwash and trap naive, uninitiated youngsters, and for these kids to unknowingly reveal their connections, just to enlist them to nuskin!

    And none of those who posted above said that anything you posted is not true! Just that you have 'misguided values' daw!

    For me, true core values are HONESTY and FULL DISCLOSURE. No manipulations and no brainwashing!

    C'mon, ca2020 members! Are any of you truly rich? Or are you just a bunch of pretenders, so you can get more innocent recruits?

    FYI, I am an entrepreneur who has a networth in the 9 figures. Not some new grad who does nothing but quote business books of Eker or Kiyosaki!

    I have many multi-millionaire friends who got that way with hard work, not by fooling impressionable youngsters!

  14. @Oreo

    You mentioned that "true core values are HONESTY and FULL DISCLOSURE" Tell it to big companies like McDonald's, ask them the details of their systems before you buy franchise from them, I doubt if they attend to your inquiry unless you prove to them your capability.

    If you really understand "HONESTY and FULL DISCLOSURE," why hide yourself with codename.

    I doubt also if you really comprehend the word entrepreneur. True entrepreneur understands the true value of systems. Big companies run by systems.

  15. Hi Oreo, CA2020 members are not here to boast how many of its members are already multimillionaires. If you are an entrepreneur who has a networth in the 9 figures and you still have your crabmentality/or scarcity way of thinking by pulling others down (which you can't do with CA2020), then you're not really wealthy. Perhaps you're only wealthy in terms of money but not in other aspects. In CA2020, we believe that money will just follow your personal growth. We are creating a new breed of entrepreneurs who are going to be part of our strong economony for First World Philippines. Those with abundance mindset and not with scarcity mindset. Those who are wealthy not just in terms of money but also spiritually, emotionally & mentally.

    If you're a millionaire, you don't have to broadcast yourself that you're a millionaire. It will show in your actions. CA2020 Core Team Members are in the process of creating at least 1,000 multimilionaires and currently, yes, we have multimillionaires inside the core team which are our mentors. How can someone teach us how to be a millionaire if our mentors are not millionaires itself? And, you don't expect that right after people joined the Core Team, they will become an instant millionaire! It doesn't work that way. Now I wonder why you would like to pull CA2020 down. What's your real intention? If you're like the other detractors who are pulling CA2020 down to promote their own business and are leveraging to CA2020's popularity, then we're flattered to know that. Thank you. :-)

    We never deny that we are from NuSkin. We even blog about it in our sites and we are proud to be working with a Billion Dollar Company that was also featured in Forbes Magazine and a company that is in the prestigious New York Stock Exchange. And if you think we are only after to the recruiting, then you're wrong. If you've read Why We Want You To Be Rich by Donald Trump & Robert Kiyosaki (business tycoons), they recommended Network Marketing because of a reason. Now, people would rather listen to credible business tycoons than those with only "opinions".

    If a participant of our Wealth Course doesn't want to pursue the Core Team and only made it up to Module 3, then we're done with the mission (the mission of teaching them financial education, though they can continue it by reading our blogs in Still, it's a win-win situation. The learnings that they got from Modules 1-3 will, I'm sure, have a great impact in their lives.

    When I joined the core team, I didn't care about the 100k. What I'm after is the education that I will get inside the Core Team where we are mentored by those who already made it, not just in Network Marketing but also in real estate and corporations. I considered the 100k as a tuition fee for a lifetime education and connections I'll be using for traditional businesses.

  16. David Jereos, your ignorance about wealth and business are showing. Stop because you are embarrasing yourself!

    Obviously, your claim about mcdo just came from thin air. I should know because I looked into it, and some of the Yangs are my friends(do you know them?)

    And that textbook comment about systems, gosh, what an out-of-topic comment! Stop trying to appear smarter than you really are!

    Kindly study some more and put up a business, and stop monkeying what your 'mentors' tell you.

    Kris, buking na kayo! You're just recruiting for nuskin! You're just agents!

    And if you want to know the reputation of nuskin agents(not nuskin the company) just surf for it!

    And noone will believe any of you are millionaires! The language of business is numbers, so show us the numbers, if you dare!

    So, for everyone else, the cloak and dagger secret stuff is over! ca2020 is a recruitment company for nuskin!

    So, if you like to be an agent, go elsewhere, because P100k is too expensive a price to be an agent. No matter what some posters here claim.

    And my motive? Only to know the truth. Prove me wrong, why don't ya?

  17. Yes, that's right. If you want to just be an agent, don't enter the CA2020 Core Team because we are not here to teach you how to be an agent. We teach you how to be an entrepreneur. Let me emphasize that CA2020 is not denying that we are connected to Nu Skin. Then, so what? When McDonalds first came in, people think it was a scam because they can't comprehend the concept of franchising. Now, some people can't comprehend what CA2020 is doing. Some people think that people who are into Nu Skin are just like sales agents. They don't know that there's a franchising concept on it. People join Nu skin to be either a retailer (more of an agent who sells products), business builders (those who take advantage of the franchising concept that Nu Skin has) and consumers. Take for example Singapore. In Singapore, Network Marketing is not allowed. But why did they allow Nu Skin to operate in their country? It's because they don't see Nu Skin as a network marketing. They consider it as a franchise.

    People who always have to be right are the most miserable. Successful people's motivation is based on purpose and joy and not based on fear, anger and proving themselves. We made our stand. Just visit and and you guys see for yourself.

  18. @ Mr.oreo,I just wondering,why would an entrepreneur with a 9 figure networth ,friend of the yangs of mcdo and having a business would bother himself about CA2020 which think that this is just an agent recruitment for nu skin?
    I was once an ordinary person,doing the rat race cycle for everyday of my life.I also ventured in different businesses and unfortunately most of it failed ,but I'm still willing to fail and learn.I seek for learning until I found CA2020, @ first,while doing the process of becoming a core team I never know what lies ahead,I keep going until I reach to the next bend.I came and saw an abundant of opportunity,not just money,but the opportunity to kill the poor person inside of me.everyday ,I grow and learn.I am willing to listen to successful people who have done it @same time keep humility.What Mr.Wings and maybe you see's us through the wealth course is just the 5% of what we are but 95% of we are.The community does not recruit anybody ,we recruit ourselves into the community.

  19. Joebel, why would I waste my time with ca2020? Because I just hate it when young people are being duped.

    And so far, though you feel all warm inside being a member of ca2020, HAVE YOU SUCCEEDED YET? Hindi pa, diba?

    As to nuskin, I know some builders. and they are not rich nor successful.

    Simple lang naman yan e, prove that any of you are successful or rich! What business have you put up? Wala, di ba? Sus, yabang kayo ng yabang about your group, but have nothing concrete to show for it.

  20. @oreo,Thank you for your concern about us young people being duped.pls check and read what this young people can say about ca2020 when we got there.
    "Vini ,Vidi,Vici"

    Merry christmas and a Happy new year

  21. And for those who want a complete picture, check these out:;topicseen#msg294699

  22. Good day Oreo! :)

    I understand that you are just concern for "Mr.wings"..I'm glad that you enjoy our money jars and gatherings :)

    yes, 100k is a big amount of money and I value your sincerity in posting this blog to warn other people..100k is really a big amount in the Philippines, but consider those food franchises that cost over 100k. I have lots of Chinese friends who still haven't recovered their 300k of investments..The reason our country is not prospering is because most of us thinks TOO SMALL..We are just willing to risk 10k that's why we only get 20k once we sold all our merchandise..a 100k would yield us 200k and that's what we call "FAST TRACK" in the cashflow, even Robert Kiyosaki and Donald trump recommends networking..even T.Harv eker recommends NUSKIN..Who are we to contradict these BUSINESS TYCHOONS who can already see the economic trend?

    I am from DLSU and all my friends are business family is in the business of wholesaling electrical supplies. my relatives are also in business..I am in the family of chinese businesses. 100k is rather small for my family that my mom even offered 1M for me to start my store..but i refused simply because I love to do networking..It serves as my purpose as the Lord direct me to this promising industry.

    Also, Mr. Oreo, looking back on your post, you mentioned that you enjoyed the MONEY JARS, and MR.WING probably have enjoyed the courses that he decided to continue, then why would you prevent others from experiencing that experience? Do you find fault in words we say? Do you find fault in what we do? If so, please keep an open mind that we never intended to put MR.WING in such awkward state. It is always in our best intention to raise leaders and give service nationwide :)

    --Michelle Marie Sy
    Entrepreneur/Business Coach/Life Mentor/ca2020 core team

  23. To add to my comments above, I thank you for posting this blog, as you already explained to others what can be expected from the courses :) Cheers to that! I save time explaining it to them, I might as well direct them to this site to increase trafficking :) Win-Win situation :)

  24. michelle marie sy, from your post, i can conclude a few things

    your mom is disappointed in you
    your mom will soon be angry at you.

    your mom is disappointed because you chose to become a nuskin agent instead of working for the family business, or put up your own store. there is always one in the family who wants to escape the family business, and instead become a musician, an artist, or ca coach...or something nonproductive. so, your mom just regrefully accepts your decision, knowing full well you'll eventually come back to the family business.

    people who enter mlm do so because they have no choice due to lack of capital, or because they don't have the confidence to put up their own business. THAT is the point of kiyosaki's and trump's book. Join mlm's to learn how to sell and gain confidence, but not as a longterm profession.

    now, your mom is going to be mad because you have posted your name, where to find you, your picture and profile, and sharing to the whole world that P1M has been set aside by your mom, and that P100K is small for your family! Without a thought about your safety and the consequences of your actions to your family, including to the BIR and debtors and evil criminals out there!

    Ok lang naman for your other members to post who they are, kasi wala naman silang pera...but your family?

    your naivete about business and the world in general is showing...and i pity your mom for it.

    So far, none of you have attained any riches nor have put up any successul business. none. but isn't that what entreprenuers are supposed to do?

    And all the secrecy revealed, and the truth is that ca2020 is just a bunch of nuskin salespeople, parading as successful entreprenuers. FYI, being a saleslady doesn't make you an entreprenuer.

    So, if you recruit a thousand more people, let the truth be known that it is eventually to be downlines for nuskin, the chances of them becoming millionaires is slim. and that the only true financial beneficiary are the FOUNDERS of ca2020, who came out with this clever ruse to recruit downlines!

    Now that the truth is exposed, this will be my last post.

  25. I think the challenge remains unanswered:

    Oreo, why don't you show your true identity?
    What evidences do you have aside from Mr. Wing's story?

    CA2020, why not take the challenge of telling people who take your first module that they will be a member of NU Skin MLM if they decide to be part of core team. Not only bloggin about it but physically telling them during the Module 1 seminar, if that's what you call it?

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Thanks Oreo, and thanks everyone and dami ko natutunan d2 ah! Isa lng masasabi ko, at heto un, "There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known"(Luk 12:2). In the end, it's not what you get that really matter but what you become!

  28. itatanong ko lang po kung bakit banned ako sa website ng ca2020? i attended modules 1 and 2.. ang saya nga eh.. dami ko po sobra natutunan, though alam ko na yun talaga, na-enlighten pa ako sobra sobra.. eniweys, yun nga, mukang marami dito na ca2020 members.. may nagtxt kasi skn na member na tinanong ko bakit ako na-ban sa website..? walang reply eh.. iniisip ko lang po kasi baka nagalit kyo skn dahil i attended ur wealth course tapos hindi ko rin naman talaga itutuloy dahil nga po proud MLM member din po of another company. sana hindi nyo na lang po ako na-ban sa website kahit na ayaw ko po sumali sa core team.. oh well..

  29. I gave my point of views, now if the people who read my blogs agree or disagree with me then its fine. It is their choice and their views. What I only did was state facts about CA2020 based on Mr. Wings experiences.

    Furthermore, I only stated a warning to those people who are thinking of joining your core team or currently taking your free wealth courses that if they can't handle your system then they should STOP. Why, because it will be their faces, their dignity and their honor to the people whom they borrowed the 100K.

    You can quote every line in a lot of books and you can refer to numbers of dictionaries for meanings and you can be gifted with words but you can not tell me that my core values are disturbed because I am not the one calling people "LOSERS".

    1. Yes your right. Kung sa pangkaraniwan na filipino malaki na ang 100k. Dapat sana yung mga taga ca2020 nag offer sana dun sa mga gusto maging core team na walang capacity mag bayad ng 100k ng ibang package like 23k,12k,10,8k, and 5k. Kahit sabihin natin na maliit lang yung volume pero kung marami naman ang gusto maging core team malaki din yun. Kuya Rebel hindi yata nila alam yung iba pang bagay about law of leverage na pag mas maraming tao ang nagwowork para sayo mas malaki kita mo. Dahil kada kita nila may pursyento ka dun. Kaya ako sa system ko mag benta lang sila ng 3 products ko okay na. At sa kanila pa yung tubo.Maganda ang ginagawa ng ca2020 na pag tuturo ng wealth course pero dapat may baguhin lang sila na systema ng modules nila like alisin nila yung 100k na task at babaan lang nila yung package para ma afford ng karamihang tao dito sa pinas.

  30. @oreo

    as far as i know, joining the core team is optional; its your choice, no one will force you.

    regarding your 9 figure net worth, by this time you should have learned that successful people mind their own business.

    and please do not use alias. it shows how credible your words are.

    good day !

  31. Mr. Wings, have you ever wonder why you can't fly? Well, it's because you are a quitter. A quitter that disempower others to fly.

    Have you ever wonder how come others who join us were able to fly? That's because they didn't quit like you. And they empower others to fly.

    Let me ask you, how much is your tuition fee? You've been to school since kinder garden, right? Now, compute your tuition fee, is it more than 100k?

    Have you ever wonder how come we have so many cars in Philippines and yet a lot of are complaining about being poor? How much does a car cost nowdays? Excluding 2nd hand Kia Prides, it should cost more than 100k per car and we have like millions of cars here in Philippines.

    Now, is 100k still big?

    Money is an idea. If you think money is hard to earn, then your idea must not be working.

    Artists don't work for their ideas. Entrepreneurs play and live with their ideas.

  32. Eagles can't be disempower by Chickens.
    Eagles can see far beyond the storm.
    Eagles can fly high...

    Unlike the chickens.

    We are looking for Eagles. Not chickens. :)

  33. @vincent:

    Again, I only stated facts about CA2020 based on Mr. Wings experiences.
    It is up to the people who read this blog if they will continue or stop.
    I think they have their own principle and they know what is best for them.

    Also, you only posts comments about my point of views especially the part that
    I said to your possible core team member/s to stop. Be reminded that I said "If
    you can't live or do ca2020 system" then they should stop. I cannot dictate
    people of how they will decide and that it is why it is called "my points of view".
    and you don't need to bother yourself with my financial status.

    Moreover, If you believe in your system then this simple blog
    should not even bother you so much but you keep on calling me names such as
    "quitter" and "chicken", and you call yourself entrepreneurs?. :|

    And by all means please do soar like an eagle.

    @Anyone interested:
    If you want to learn, read books by Robert Kiyosaki, use google.
    the net is an ocean of information don't hesitate to use it.

  34. You can read all the books in the world and have the knowledge and skills, but if you don't take action don't expect results.

  35. You are in control of what you believe in. The community exist to give the public an opportunity to improve their lives.If they don't take it then let them be

    If your unhappy about Ca2020 then don't argue your mindset to us. Ca2020 have a set of beliefs that that is in contrast to the majority of the world and it is expected that there will be people who strongly oppose our actions

    It all just goes to difference. We have a different mindset than other people and we invite people who believes in Ca2020 to be part of our core team.

    You are free to prove your point Oreo. Say what you have to say but just be respectful

  36. @ rebel: hahhahah!!! natawa ako sa mga sinabi mo about me! :))

    now I'm so afraid :) but not, I have a BIG FAITH on my BIG GOD :)

    You can't bring us down because we are on fire with what we are fighting for :) We know that we are doing this because we want to help and your OPINION would not disempower us :)

    You could scare people away but we chose to inspire people to wealth and abundance.

    You could say you just want to help. and yes, we appreciate you just want to help. cge i2loy mo lang to :) GO lang, hnd kita pipigilan kung d2 ka masaya :)

    "You could be RIGHT or your could be RICH"
    "Your could be RIGH or you could be HAPPY"

    so cge TAMA ka na, okay? :)

    well still, THANK YOU FOR SHARING! :)

    nga pla, you could still be part of our core team, reserve ka nlng ulit with the one who invited you okay? but if ayaw mo na, ayos lang :) welcome ka parin :D hehhe


  37. o nga pla, my mom is now supportive of me! nakita niya ung change skn :)

    but well tama ka, nagalit siya! super! nung una..

    alam mo ba, sbrang away namin nun nu..galit talaga siya..I felt bad...but then atleast everything turned out great! :D

    nung december nga umuwi ung mga tito ko, grbe gusto pa magpa demo ng galvanic spa! hahhah!! nkakatuwa :D namimilit pa nga c mamy na ako mag galvanic sakanya e :D try mo bumili, un din gamit sa cheveaux salon e, pte ung spa na malapit sa dlsu, nkta ko may galvanic spa cla!

    pero galing mo a, nahulaan mo na nagalit c momy :D

  38. You will find what you want to find over the net or anywhere. You are the master of your faith, so follow what your heart desires.

    If you are a true leader, why call people losers, chickens, and quitters because they did not join your business opportunity? Is that what you are teaching in CA2020? And why bother explaining too much about your community, when all you need to do is let go of those people who doesn't see your opportunity. Remember, not everybody sees what you see.

  39. I'm gonna post about this, these mother fuckers don't stop spamming me.

    I've unsubscribed TWO TIMES and they still keep spamming my email.

    Fuck CA2020/nuskin. MLMs are for suckers.

  40. About Ca2020, I came across this site because some member of the Ca2020 have post its link at the forum. I'll have to get back to her after this post. Honestly the information provided by sir Oreo and Mr.Rebel is true and I appreciate it! This topic was an eye opener for beginners and new recruits to their MLM "Let the whole world now about this" and if ca2020 has its core values I don't think they have, since doing their so called "PLOY/DECEIT" is not part of any values in life and this is contradicting! One coach would even insist that I call him “COACH” how can someone be consider a coach when you are deceiving someone of your hidden agenda in the fist place? Mind you RESPECT is EARNED and not WILLED. Having argue with one of their coaches showed up as an OMEN and pretty sure it came up again as a BAD OMEN! Imagine prior joining the community you already have a mindset towards your financial success" and than you have been made believe that being part of this community will lead you towards your financial freedom.

    Anyway guys lets take away the negative part in ourselves and make this as a stepping stone or learning experience. Isn’t it that joining the wealth course say module 1 cost around PHP150.00 inclusive of food? Isn’t that cheap for a seminar? Attending module two would be the same cost as Module one. When you can tell your friends that you will just take the modules but not entering into their MLM activities right??

    More Power to you Sir Oreo and mr.Rebel.

    I have heard that the coaches of this community commutes, well cars & assets are part of one’s status symbol. Meaning how could you teach oneself to be a millionaire if you yourself are not one. Besides having a million is quite small nowadays.

  41. All I can say is, why does CA2020 hacking my twitter account if you're the "good guys"? Couldn't you get any desperate for your scheme? Anyway, big thanks to the blogger who enlighten us all easily hypnotized filipinos, I'm posting your blog to all my contacts, see if they can hack that!ü

  42. Cluexless,

    Nice Post!

    Bravo to their Mastermind "Chief of Deceite" - Rovel Tomambo! - Google this con-artist name and you'll get overwhelming results

    This well dress man over a crooked-crook
    have preyed on innocent youngsters, dove into their subconcious mind condition them and let them cough a hundred thousand pesos! BRILLIANT!

    Even have make them believe that they are Entrepreneurs instead of Nuskin Sales Pipol who passes the legacy / ploy to new recruits...

    honestly this is illegal.

  43. This is very informative. I was also invited to joined Ca2020. At first, I was excited to join but because of my other responsibilities, I have taken it for granted. When I saw this blog, something inside me is telling me that I have made the right priorities at that time. Anyway, we should have to be keen in joining this kind of group. They may or may not be a scam --- just be careful. Thank you for this information.

  44. Yes miss Lazaro,

    Thank you! free lunch has always a catch!

    I wonder where they are now? no post no nothing i think they busy with recruiting DL's

  45. Come on CA2020! How do you earn? By recruiting people who are willing or can be hypnotized to give 100,000 pesos. Right? That is business? That is entrepreneurship? Come on!

    Don't fool yourself. And those people in your I love abundance blog are NOT being specific. What exactly have happened to them? It's not like Bong Bong in Bacolod who invested some 1,000 pesos for a Piaya business and now he has lots of shops earning him millions... it's not some Henry Sy who started with a shoeshop and later on became the retail king of the Philippines... Those people are just bluffing... parang na hypnotized or parang member ng KULTO praising CA2020! HELLO?

    SIMPLE TERMS: You earn by asking people to give you 100,000 pesos and in return these people should look for more people to give them 100,000 pesos? IS THAT BUSINESS? THAT is STUPIDITY.

  46. lahat ng mga taga ca2010 andito to tell us that they were not scammed hehehehe..

  47. CA2020 thrives on deceit and if you are gullible (and greedy) you will fall for their deception and perpetuate their lies.

    Bottom line, CA2020 is Networking and you create your abundance there by recruiting and deceiving others to put down P100K. NO RECRUIT, NO EARNINGS, plain and simple.

  48. It's okay to fill people's minds with empowerment and all that. To educate the people and teach them how to handle money well. What really turns me off about this group is that at first they don't really tell you the catch of joining their group. I've joined an MLM before and I regret it (you know the same scheme, business plan, business courses---they are really good at convincing you to get RICH now), yes it needs perseverance and hard work. Yes, you are really going to earn a lot of money from it. The real deal is: do you support selling their product NuSkin that costs a whopping 100K? Yes, investments mean you have to shell out a lot of money, but sana naman may ibang option besides NuSkin. And yes, for 100K, I will invest it for something else. For my dream business---study, research and talk to people. There's always an option to refuse.

    Now, I am not saying it's bad to be rich or wealthy. The bad thing about this is greed.

    Thank you Daily Eye Rebel for this enlightening info. I salute you. Surely I admire you for choosing to go anonymous to protect yourself and Mr. Wing's privacy.

  49. Hi all,

    Thanks. This is a good and interesting discussion. I don't think CA2020 is a SCAM but obviously it is a NEW network marketing business in Philippines that is in its peak of earning profits especially for the pioneer. They follow the process based from one of Robert Kiyosaki methods on how to be a MLM.

    I myself is an employee but has the knowledge when it comes to financial literacy and know how to manage my money. I'm sure this group will help lot of people to gain financial education but for the new joiner, think first before giving up your money to any business like this(network marketing) and understand where the business will be in 10 yrs or so with all your knowledge.

    Focus with your dreams but be sure it's achievable.

  50. Wow! Thank you for the info.
    I just attended their free wealth course and it makes sense though. But the group I'm in with right now is far way better. I thought ca2020 is a diversified type of business bakit NU Skin? What will I get from NU Skin 5, 10, 20 or more years from now? It doesn't make me financially okay sa dulo by using NU Skin products. Anyway thank you very BIG. I will not attend anymore the next module.

  51. Hello people!
    2nyt is my 1st time to comment sa mga blogs ba tawag dito?
    Anyway, salamat sa info at nalaman ko agad na beauty product pala ang produkto. Na-invite din kc ako at nag-attend sa 1st module. Okay yung money jars nila. Pero mas simplified yung Income - Savings = Expenses
    Financial literacy, wealth course, and etc. is my line of interest kaya lang mukhang wala sa ca2020 ang hanap ko base sa mga nabasa ko dito. Sabi nila, they want to spread financial literacy for free but how come their website's so descreet and parang they encourage you to spend not saving. Maniwala pa sana ako if kapartner nila is mga Financial Industry companies.
    Well, wala namang masama sa NU SKin. Kung beauty products din lang, ang dami diyan. Nasa market dati ang nu skin, direct selling na pala ngayon.. salamat talaga sa site na to.

    "its not about how much you earn that matters, but its how much you SAVE that matters most."

  52. gracee hit the point precisely...

  53. From: "crayback"
    To: "Think Rich Pinoy"

    Sent: Monday, 08 March, 2010 10:17 PM
    Subject: CA2020 Create Abundance

    nice chuck, may this email be an alert to other people...don't be
    ignorant you know how to find the CA2020 people? they are
    near NU skin office (ortigas,makati,alabang) they operate the so-
    called financial education seminar around ortigas, makati, alabang,
    q.c., and even some parts of luzon and visayas...they will introduce
    robert kiyosaki and t. harv eker principle, and even have the so-
    called CASHFLOW EVENT every third or last sunday of the month, they
    have a facebook account also and other group created in different
    social networking. you search in and you will find out so
    many advertisement reg CA2020.the so called module course they offer is
    the convincing time for them to hook you up, after you get the first
    module you will always receive a text message...BEWARE!

  54. On Mar 8, 4:48 am, Chuck wrote:
    yes i agree with crayback.

    I have a friend who had been a victim. My friend attended the CA2020
    wealth course up to module 4 ( No need to attend their modules, you
    will be better off just reading Robert Kiyosaki's books for less
    price !!!). Then he was told to borrow 100,000 from someone so he can
    invest it into their so called business venture (kuno). My friend
    asked what kind of business this is and the people from CA2020 or
    Create Abundance refused to explain the details. He was just told it
    will be NUSKIN. My friend asked if the P100,000 will be given an
    official receipt and CA2020 said yes. So my friend gave the
    100,000 .... Out of the 100,000, only 60,000 was given an official
    recepit by NUSKIN. The rest was pocketed by the people from CA2020
    with no official receipts whatsoever (by the way people from CA2020
    are nothing but MLM sellers of NUSKIN products, yet they want delude
    themselves, and be called business coaches when majority of them have
    no true to life experience at all in running businesses). Also CA2020
    claims to be a business community ........ and try to deceive you
    with other business ventures available only to members only, like putting
    up a business school franchise (kuno again) and real estate business
    etc etc ...... but really these businesses they tell you do not
    exist ! It is just their way of getting people into the trap.

    To be a distributor of NUSKIN, you do not have to invest 100,000. You
    only have to invest 15,000 (you can inquire directly from NUSKIN
    office) and you can already be an official distributor. No need to
    join CA2020 or join their cashflow 101 board games or attend their
    wealth course. You can buy the CASHFLOW 101 board game for only
    15,000, still much cheaper than what CA2020 wants to get from you.
    The boardgame which was patented by Robert Kiyosaki is very very good
    indeed. You can play the Cashflow game without joining the CA2020.
    Just ask around and you will surely find people with the board game.

    CA2020 will also promise that you can get back your investment of
    100,000 in 6 months....... hahaha .... too good to be true. What they
    did not explain is that you will have to recruit numerous people who
    are also willing to waste their 100,000 and be your DOWNLINES. Also,
    you will have to sell expensive, unaffordable NUSKIN products to your
    friends and relatives. My friend who was very new to the CA2020 was
    so disgusted when old members of CA2020 (claiming to be business
    coaches) started borrowing money from him. They are borrowing money from new members because the promise of getting their 100,000 back (as
    promised by CA2020 business coaches) in 6 months never happened. After 6 months they are still struggling to make commissions and
    worse ....they do not get any help from CA2020 to pay the 100,000.
    After all they have gotten their commissions already from the 60,000
    and pocketed your 40,000 with no official receipts.

  55. from crayback:

    If i may suggest to CA2020, please do not deceive people anymore with your wealth courses or Cashflow game. You claim to help people make money, when all you do is deceive them and get their hard earned savings of 100,000 or worse yet, deceive them to borrow money with the promise that they will be able to pay their borrowed money in 6 months. Come on guys, you yourselves know very well that won't happen.
    Where is your heart and conscience. The people who sign up with you, are people who are struggling as employees or OCWs and getting their 100,000 is not the doing of a person with a good conscience. Be honest and tell people upfront that what you are promoting is nothing but Multi Level Marketing. That way you will never be accused of deceiving people. You say your mission is to spread financial
    education. I think your ultimate mission is to recruit people so you can have DOWNLINES and UPLINES.

  56. From: "crayback"
    To: "Think Rich Pinoy"

    Sent: Monday, 08 March, 2010 10:17 PM
    Subject: CA2020 Create Abundance

    Let everyone be cautioned !!! All these things i wrote are facts. If
    you wish you may get in touch with my friend who had been a victim.
    Do not be the next victim. My mission is to warn people so they will not
    suffer the loss of their 100,000 hard earned savings !!!

    On Mar 1, 11:21 pm, crayback wrote:

    really? up until now you are not rich, you are inviting people in
    ca2020 and recruit them for Php100,000 and join them in NU skin.
    beware of them, before you can get the learnings with them you have to
    recruit people to join with NU skin for 100K. playing cashflow 101
    with ca2020 is just only a frontline. You have to investigate before
    joining any group.

  57. Subject:JUST SO YOU MAY KNOW the Other Side
    [ba291_2009_1] Free Financial Education,

    Lets just put it this way, Person A used 100k to purchase products. nuskin issued a distributor receipt. What happened i think is that Person B may have an inventory that he sold to person A, therefore were not included on the receipt issued.

    To make things clear, lets give some examples:

    1. Person A has 10 pesos, Person B has 1 bottle of water at home worth 5 pesos.
    2. Person A and B went to the store to get 2 bottles of water.
    3. Instead of buying 2 bottles of water, Person A sold his bottle of water to person B so that he will only be needing to buy 1 bottle at the store. Therefore only 1 bottle of water was issued on the receipt.

    I hope this example made things clearer.


    Vincent Jan Santiago

    Create Abundance Business Community

    *From:* wil abel

    *Subject:* Re: JUST SO YOU MAY KNOW the Other Side Free Financial Education

    Thank you for your email reply (below) stating *"What the person saw was the distributor's receipt (supplier and seller). Not the official receipt between the seller and buyer."* .

    I am still, however, lost - the original emailed statement mentions " . . .
    So my friend gave the 100,000 .... Out of the 100,000, only 60,000 was given an official recepit by NUSKIN . . . ." What it says I think is, the friend gave 100,000 pesos and was issued a receipt for 60,000 pesos - where in the supplier-seller or buyer-supplier relationship that you mention here?

    My simple understanding here is - someone (in this case the friend mentioned) gave 100,000 pesos and his friend's receipt should reflect
    100,000 pesos. Anything other than this (gave 100,000 pesos and issued a receipt for 100,000 pesos) is either trying to pull a fast one on the one paying or is trying to fool the government of the tax that is due - yung mga seller-supplier or seller-buyer statements seems to just complicate a simple issue.

    Would still appreciate being enlightened on this.

    Thank you.

    From: vincent santiago
    Subject: JUST SO YOU MAY KNOW the Other Side Free Financial Education

    What the person saw was the distributor's receipt (supplier and seller).
    Not the official receipt between the seller and buyer.

    Vincent Jan Santiago
    Create Abundance Business Community

  58. From: "Alvin T. Tabanag, RFP®"

    Your analogy borders on the absurd, because we are talking here of
    P100,000 worth of goods, not pieces of cheap merchandise. If you are
    buying 1 or 2 bottles of water from an ambulant vendor then the OR
    won't be such a big deal. Is Create Abundance 2020 an ambulant

    Legal transactions that run into hundreds or thousands of pesos should
    be covered by an official receipt. And if somebody gives P100,000 to
    a "legal" business establishment, the OR should reflect the exact
    amount. Your justification below as to why only P60,000 was
    reflected in the OR is preposterous.

    "60,000 was in the official receipt because like any other business, once a purchase has been made, the seller makes a profit. I havent seen a business that doesnt put a markup on his items sold."

    The correct amount you put in the OR has nothing to do with profits.
    Are you saying that if SM Appliance Center buys a TV set from Sony for P20,000 and SM sells it to their customer for P25,000, SM should put in the OR P20,000 because the P5,000 difference is SM's profit? Is this how "coaches" of Create Abundance document business transactions?
    Well, it's wrong and against the law! Any real entrepreneur worth
    his salt knows that markups are included in the OR.

    I also don't understand why the receipt is issued by NuSkin. If the
    transaction was between the new member and Create Abundance then it should be CA2020 who should issue the OR. When you buy a Sony TV from SM Appliance Center, whose receipt do you get, SM's or Sony's?

    So, where exactly did the P40,000 (of the P100,000) go? Whoever
    pocketed this amount should issue the OR. If it's Create Abundance,
    then it should issue the correct OR - the law requires no less.

    By the way, a "coach" from Create Abundance admitted that of the
    P100,000 he paid, he only got P60,000 worth of NuSkin products. What the additional P40,000 was for, he didn't say. But for those who are familiar with these money-making schemes, we know what it's really for.

    Maraming salamat.

    Founder and Chief-Trainer
    (International Best Provider of Employee Financial Education)

    "Helping ordinary Filipinos achieve financial freedom!" Tel.No.: +63 46 416-1385, +63 917 502-3149

  59. I truly believe that these people are innocent. Probably because of the "mindset" that the head of this group installed in them. Believe it or not they really wanted to share financial awareness to a lot of people.

    Honestly i attended their 3 modules and it was great. i can see their dedication. but for me who graduated in business course i might say that some part of their teachings were wrong. and wrong information may lead to undesirable results.

    1. networking is nice but the thing here is that you should concentrate in the goods. example: AVON- i believe this is a networking company, but most of the guys here sells their product.
    bottomline: you want fast money.
    2. you said your goal is to create 1000 millionaires in 2020? what if pang 1001 ako? does it mean that i wont get to be a millionaire? what happens to those at the bottom of the triangle? that's the reality guys. in a triangle there will always be at the bottom.
    3. i really laughed on how you applied leverage. that's too risky. your reputation is at risk.
    here guys just a tip. if you really have a great mind think of a business or find someone who have great ideas then finance it through bank:business loan. thats what you call leveraging stay in your job so you can pay your bills and let the business work for you so you can pay your loans and have working capital in a year or two you'll be at breakeven point then after that you will have a passive income, if your business is strong enough to support your living then quit and reinvest your gains ganun po ang tunay na entrepreneur magisip.

    marami pa sana me sabihin pero i hope they get the idea..i was fascinated by your eagerness. sayang lang if youll not use it sa tamang paraan. i mean wala naman masama sa ginagawa nio pero sayang yung potential.

    just sharing... :)


    To fully understand how sCAms work, just imagine a black hole...

    A black hole, according to the general theory of relativity, is a region of space from which nothing, including light, can escape. It is the result of the deformation of spacetime caused by a very compact mass. Around a black hole there is an undetectable surface which marks the point of no return, called an event horizon. It is called "black" because it absorbs all the light that hits it, reflecting nothing. sCAms are similar,,, they will suck you and your money into their system...

  61. Hi "Mr. Wings". Thanks a lot for this post. I received an SMS last night from some Warren guy. He invited me to attend this cashflow seminar that is based on Kiyosaki's concept. At being in a financial field, na-curious naman ako.
    But a month before I received this SMS, a college classmate of mine invited me to attend to some workshop that she herself is currently attending. She told me that it's some kind of personal development workshop pero hindi nya masagot yung question ko directly kung ano ba talaga yun. She supplied me the address ng company and I found out that it's NU Skin.

    Tapos kagabi lang may nagmessage sakin na cashflow seminar tapos NU Skin din? Duh.

    Buti na lang nabasa ko tong blog na to. At thanks to Oreo for exposing the truth!

  62. all those who shell the 100k all the members cant accept the fact that they were stupidly duped!

    so they still defend, defend and defend,
    their pride pride pride!!!

    their arrogant founder mr Rovel is a wanted man.

  63. Vincent Jan Santiago

    you are full of shit man! your mind, how you explain things! even fronting your fucking name with the Ca2020 on it, as if there was something special. only low creatures like you would get into this community and never notice that you have been fooled, Fool! Great minds here are attendies who asses the group (and modules) but never give in to the ploy (giving 100k), I myself notice the scam earlier, thats before joining the 1st module which i never attend, beat that! ashole

  64. mr. rovel tomambo is the founder of ca2020?

    I have seen how a court case is not something you'd do lightly. It is such a drain of your time and resources. And in the end, only the lawyers get rich.

    Please invite Mr. Tomambo to share his thoughts here in PMT. What his aspirations are, and why would his detractors waste so much resources because of envy alone.

    Why is it that only his young, inexperienced coaches front for him. Why not he himself? Why hide behind the pretty young faces of his acolytes?

    If he has nothing to hide, if indeed, he means nothing but good, then he should step forward and clear his name. If not for himself, then for his children.

    If he doesn't, and still chooses to hide, then he ins't completely faultless, is he?

  65. I AM A PROUD ENLIGHTENED MEMBER OF CREATE ABUNDANCE 2020 BUSINESS COMMUNITY. As a social proof that I'm real & my identity is real, add me on facebook

    For me, it's not new to see detractors over the internet & people with obvious CRAB MENTALITY who are against educating the masses. But i didn't bother answering any of them BECAUSE IT'S WASTE OF TIME until i discovered that it already caused worry to my own family.

    As a member of CA2020 for a year now, the whole 24 hours won't even be enough to give you ALL the education & enlightenment that d Community gave me in terms of financial education, & freeing myself from financial ignorance! I love their idea of EDUCATING & FREEING THE MASSES, and giving EQUAL OPPORTUNITY to everyone. The detractors are obviously threatened because of our massive information campaign of mass education. Why? Because their businesses work & sell only if people stay as employees & self-employed individuals. They don't understand that no matter how we promote the Community, NOT EVERYONE is meant to be for Big Business. That's why we sift our members, and we only accept LEADERS with certain qualities into the Community. They're threatened because they don't know Real Business. They see as us Competition, when it's not even close. I advice these detractors to just focus on improving themselves, improving their organizations (that is if they have groups, people with small mindset normally operates ALONE) instead of spreading malicious information with NO PROOF against their kapwa Pinoys.

    Let's be ONE in creating this nation First World! Sa mga detractors, wala kang kinaiba sa dayuhan na alipin & maliit na nilalang ang tingin sa mga Pilipino.

    For more information about CA2020, and how it can free this nation from financial ignorance, visit

  66. there are no detractors .... just wise people who want to help others avoid sCAms that collect 100K joining fee

  67. check this:
    Beneath The Lies, The Truth about CA2020 by CS

  68. hi,
    thanks for posting...i was also invited by this people that's why i did a little research bout them and i found your blog very helpful...i already have a lot of experience regarding this type of situation (never been a victim actually) i would say this is absolutely a scam...have you heard of multitel? when a so-called company or community or however they call themselves ask money from you for whatever business you're gonna be in and will promise that this amount will multiply 6 to 7 figures then 99.9 to 100% they simply want to lure you into this that it will be difficult for you to get out becoz you have given them what they want "your money" and you will have a hard time to take it back or if you don't try hard enough you only get a portion of your entire physical point of view, the people (coach???) who usually say that they have passive income???after joining the group doesn't really look rich at all yikes!!! i once attended a free seminar "front as work at home" when you sign up they will call you if you're interested in attendng the seminar which actually is a healthdrink pyramid, works they same way with this group the only difference is you can have the product and sell them but you won't get rich that fast unless you follow a pyramid type of business they offer,even used famous people with the slides of commercial just to attract would be victim arrrggg!! poor people who only want to have more income...same method recruit and recruit more member and each will pay for the kit...usually held in a hotel telling all the riches they gained after joining the company but looks like a tramp themselves...there was a lady speaker telling us that she has all the money she wants one year after joining and don't know where to spend it even owns the latest car model blah blah blah she was speaking spontaneously like a memorized speech but what she's telling doesn't coincide with her looks...i was expecting that with all the money she said she have, why not wear a signature or branded outfit, most of the speakers even look so tired and people should be more thing we've been in the hotel conference for more that 2 hours and we don't even have a free coffee or even water...i think if you're talking million incomes you have to impress your potential investors...these coaches or speakers were trained to convince innocent prospects who dreamed of becoming a millionaire...they take advantage of the fact that most of us want to get rich quickly...yes this is the easy way but from where they generate the income to return back the investment once you joined them???

  69. It's scary to read the comments of the CA2020 members to say that the values of the article writer is "disturbed". It's like they are all following a script, zombie-like descending to this blog. This CA2020 has so far been successful in making droids out of otherwise reasonable people. It has all the characteristics of a cult. A lot of bullshits fly about from as soon as they open their mouths like Law of Attraction [sic], empowering thoughts, even “hiding in a codename” is an issue, their system is for winners. Scary scheming and scamming douche bags.

  70. If they ask for 100k of money but wont tell you their business, run like hell. They are SCAMMERS alright.

  71. Thank you so much for the post.

    More than that thank you for the supporting comments.

    I just joined their group this morning and almost immediately withdrew upon reading this. Sa part is a "coach" already texted me. Oh well, spam away "coach", if you dare. Hehe.

    I also changed my passwords just in case. :)

    Thank you again!

  72. my bf was texted for an invite and good thing he googled. based on what i've read so far there are so many red flags on this so called ca2020. i've been investing since last year out of a friend who convinced me to read finance books first and so far i was able to fill the foundation of my investments for my nest egg.

    what i'm trying to say is that, your 100k is better off in any other vehicle than somewhere selling beauty products. read your finance books and you don't need this so called seminar. believe me.

  73. I create new system that will help you attain your financial success that enables you to achieve the life that you deserve visit my site:

    In my system I will cover on how you can start your own business without using your own money and borrowing money from other people. Just following my system and you will earn huge income that you never imagine.

  74. Ako I'm from networking business talaga. Kaya sinasabi ko sa mga undergo ng module sa program ko magiging member sila ng network business company kung saan kabilang ako pero may system kami na kahit yung pinaka negative na tao magiging positive. Dito anything is free khit yung membership dun sa networking business na kabilang ako. Wala sila ilalabas ni kusing.

  75. now the name has been transformed to hide the real name... it is CARENET.. same folks inside... it means creating abundance through real estate network...

  76. What would have been cool, is, if at the end, they dont let you do nuskin but they let you do any business you want - kahit laundrymat, internet cafe, coffee shop, event organization, baking, etc. Then from there, they teach you how to market it and manage it in a way that doesnt need your physical presence.

    - random PMT comment

    I agree with that. Why should you use your hard-earned money to start a beauty product business when you are supposed to be given options to operate any business of your liking. I wanted to open a water refill station so I'm currently saving for that franchise. I wouldn't dare spend my savings on any type of business which I don't know nothing about or is not of my liking.

    If you love the products you are selling you are most likely to succeed. I don't like skin products as much as I love the practicality of retailing purified water so why should I invest in that business?

  77. CA2020 similar to the TV series The Walking Dead...:-)

  78. Conman Rovel Tomambo (aka Coach Rovel) Finally Convicted

    The notorious Thief, Embezzeler and Conman Rovel Tomambo's application to have his conviction overturned was treated with the contempt it deserved by the court. His arrest warrant stands, and he is on the run. The court denied, due to lack of merit, Tomambos’s manifestation and motion for reconsideration and to recall warrant of arrest, so his conviction and the warrant issued for his arrest stay.

    See attached court documents showing Tomambo's loss of hs real estate licence, and his conviction for Estafa. I can supply you a full list of the contact details of the many people who he stole their life savings.

    While he claims that he made all his money being a bigtime real estate agent, in fact in the entire time he was my business partner he sold one small beach. It was me who developed the business, dealt with all the clients and made all the sales. In return Tomambo stole all my money, my business and 18M pesos from our clients. He left me penniless while my wife was in hospital having my daughter.

    The fact is that Rovel Desierdo Tomambo is a fraud and conman who after 10 years was finally convicted of Estafa, see attached arrest warrant and proof of loss of licence for fraud.

    It’s appalling to me to see this criminal draping himself in the cloak of respectably of decent organisations such as CREBA, and the APO. He has no right to be in those associations, especially as Alpha Phi Omega demands HONESTY as the number 1 criteria in the pledge for its members.

    Nationwide notices of Tomambo's Arrest Warrant will be published in the Philippines media, and I urge anybody knowing this conman's whereabouts to contact the NBI in the Philippines.

    Mr. Cheyenne Morrison

    • I am Rovel Tomambo's former business partner
    • I made every property sale at Elysian Fields Realty bar one small beach by Tomambo
    • It was me (not Tomambo) who created the business and featured by the media
    • I was defrauded by Tomambo and I'm Cooperating with all clients defrauded by him

  79. Warrant of Arrest For Rovel Tomambo

    A Warrant of Arrest has been issued for Rovel Desierdo Tomambo, please see attachments.

    On June 23, 2008 Rovel Desierdo Tomambo was permanently stripped of his real estate licence, and a few days ago on May 19, 2014 he was finally convicted of Fraud and sentenced to 4 years and 2 months jail.

    1: Rovel Tomambo found GUILTY of Estafa (fraud) on May 19, 2014
    See attached scan of original judgement

    WHEREFORE, the court finds ROVEL TOMAMBO y DESIERDO GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of Estafa under paragraph 1(b), Article 315 of the Revised Penal Code. Applying the Indeterminate Sentence Law, he is hereby sentence to suffer the penalty of imprisonment of FOUR (4) years and TWO (2) months of prision correccional as minimum to TWENTY (20) years of reclusion temporal as maximum and to indemnify (complaint’s name removed) the sum of THREE MILLION FIVE HUNDRED SEVENTY FIVE THOUSAND PESOS (Php3,575,000.00) with interest at the rate of six percent (6%) per annum from the filing of the information on May 15, 2007 until fully paid.


    Manila, Philippines, May 19, 2014


    Criminal Case No. 07-252867: PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, Plaintiff, versus ROVEL TOMAMBO y DESIERDO, Accused
    Regional Trial Court, National Capital Judicial Region, Branch 30, Manila
    Judge: The Honorable Lucia P. Purugganan
    Court Promulgation Date: May 21, 2014

    2: Rovel Tomambo’s Real Estate Licence Revoked Permanently for Fraud
    Housing and Land Regulatory Board, June 23, 2008
    HLURB Case No. REM-061606-13379
    Real Estate Brokers license #: IV-08-027-2004
    Scanned copy attached as proof

    WHEREFORE, PREMISES CONSIDERED, judgement is hereby rendered, finding respondent Rovel Desierdo Tomambo guilty of demonstrating his unworthiness to transact the business of a real estate broker and hereby cancel the registration of respondent as real estate broker/dealer including that of his agents and salesmen.

    This can be verified by contacting the following …

    Realtor Bobby Sy will attest to Tomambo defrauding me

    Realtor V.V. Soliven (my Ninang) will attest to Tomambo defrauding me

    Department of Trade and Industry
    DTI Call Center
    (+632) 751.3330
    (+63917) 834.3330

    Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board
    National Capital Region Field Office
    NHA Compound, Kalayaan Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City.
